Web Server in your pocket?

Web Server in your pocket?
Web server in your pocket - deploying a web-app to Android phone using Termux.

Upside Down

Does it surprise anyone that when we talk about growth (economy/GDP), we are not talking about an increase in production to meet human needs? Growth does not seem to be about use-value or social provisioning, but specifically about increasing commodity production in order to generate and accumulate surplus value—its sole objective. Is this not a little upside-down?


Pfl tre yrmv rcc kyv zekvcczxvetv ze kyv nficu, slk zw efsfup’j kyviv kf rtk fe zk, nyrk’j zk nfiky?

Blind to Battle

How do you expect to stop the devil if you don’t believe he’s real?

The Control Problem

‘If you tell an AI to make people happy, it may decide to just put everyone to sleep, forever. Which, you know, given the state of the world, might not be such a bad thing. Turns out it’s almost impossible to program something to be good. We don’t have the words for it. I wonder what that says about us. But maybe we eventually figure out this goodness, and how to program it.